Cats in your face.

Be prepared, they are coming.





Happy 2014 !

Hey all,

Sorry I haven’t posted in months. I was busy working on other projects but as a small resolution for the new year I will dedicate more time to this blog, but I did do this illustration yesterday to start off the new year right. I have finished some cool things recently that I am excited to share with everyone! so stay tuned, but most importantly HAPPY NEW YEARS!




UPPERCASE MAGAZINE Work/ Life Book vol. 3

I am supper excited to finally announce my spread in the new UPPERCASE Magazine’s issue Work/ Life volume 3. Anyone and Everyone go pick up a copy and check out some of the coolest and best illustrators around right now. Here is a link to the UPPERCASE blog and website so check those out too!

p.s. I have only included the interview part of the book.. The painting I did for it has never before been seen so check out the mag if you want to see it.. otherwise it will be up on a website in a few weeks! Enjoy your Friday!!


Did I mention the book is sold all over the world?



It’s been a crazy past few weeks but I have some free time now and with a new painting about to get started I just wanted to take a quick minute to use up some extra black tote bags. I bought some lino blocks and carved out 5 different kitty faces. So here they are … Continue reading

Key chains and Kitties for everyone.


It’s a beautiful day in Brooklyn and I couldn’t help but take the first pictures of the kitties I made. They are part of a series called Kitty Clops and friends. They also come with a zine, which I will upload a little preview of that later. Of corse these will be for sale on my Etsy account that is still being put together. There are also more kitties in other fun colors as well!

Thanks everyone and have a great day.





Kitty Clops preview.

Picture 24



1 of the pages from my Kitty Clops zine. Enjoy.